Social Inequalities

 Unfair access to the advantages of belonging to any society is a condition of social inequality. Every member of a society that is absolutely equal is equally able to benefit from their membership in that society as well as to contribute to its overall well-being.

The Pachamama Alliance and Fight Against Social Inequality

The Achuar are an indigenous tribe from Ecuador, and the Pachamama Alliance defends their rights. The first part of The Pachamama Alliance's objective is to provide the Achuar with resources and technology so they can improve their defenses against intrusions from extractive industries like mining, logging, and oil drilling.

The second part of their mission is to "alter the dream of the modern world," which is another way of saying that they want to help people awaken from the delusion that keeps them from realizing how they are connected to every other living thing on the planet. Global issues like social inequality are sustained, for instance, by a system of unquestioned assumptions and ideas about consumption (economic growth is important, waste can be tossed "away," and the effects of consumer decisions are limited and negligible). Addressing the core cause (the aspiration of the modern world) as well as the effects is essential if they are to establish a prosperous, just, and sustainable human presence on this planet (threats to the survival of the Amazon rainforest and its people.)

Due to laws and practices that continue to devastate their homeland, the Achuar are subject to indirect social injustice. Government policies that favor oil companies over the rights of indigenous landowners derive from our continued demand as consumers for fossil fuels. The Achuar are unfairly, unfairly, and unequally bearing a burden that contemporary society has placed upon them when their land is taken or otherwise deteriorated.


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