
Showing posts from March, 2023

Anti-social Social Media

The world is evolving and changing quicker than we could possibly imagine at this point in human history. The folks going about their daily business are also altering.  Today's society is becoming more and more tech-savvy.  How technology has changed us, and more significantly, whether this shift has been for the better or worse, is an often asked subject today. It's fascinating to observe how society evolves as technology advances.  Social media is one item that has significantly and noticeably changed people's lives. It altered the way we communicate with one another, but some people worry that because social media is so ubiquitous, we are losing connection with our closest friends.  The average person looks down at a cell phone for four years of his life.  We become antisocial in real life as a result of spending too much time on social media. It is a dependency.  Alcohol shouldn't be completely eliminated from our life, but it should be used sparingly. ...

Controlling Democracy

Politics should play a key role in guiding economics so that demography improves because politics, economics, and demography are all interconnected. Politics did not effectively drive economics during the past 70 years because of extremely poor demography. The economy has been severely slowed down by demographic trends and climate change. It is not possible to return to the state of affairs from five years ago, when there was an 8% growth rate. due to the fact that inequality has grown in numerous ways and that demographic trends will likely intensify. Due to parental inability to care for the daughters because to the fear of robbing their majesty, young girls are married off. Child marriage is back, and how far people care about the law depends on how much they indulge themselves. All states must therefore make sure that the upward trend of all important indicators keeps getting better every day. Industries, housing, agriculture, law and order, and public health are arranged in ascend...

Conquer Fear And Gain Confident

4 simple ways to conquer FEAR and to gain CONFIDENCE 1. Almost every aspect of daily life involves some form of fear for all of us. Be it in one's personal or professional life, such as the fear of preparing unpleasant food, the dread of speaking in front of one's parent, boss, or teacher, the fear of failing an exam or a job interview, the fear of being rejected by a boy or girl, etc. Every day, countless fears invade our minds, and this monster prevents us from falling asleep soundly at night. 2 .Fear is the biggest adversary of success because it causes your confidence to vanish like hot water. Even if you are technically sound and sufficiently knowledgeable in your field, having fear may render these most important qualities meaningless, resulting in failure and embarrassment as your only outcomes. Hence, if you are living in fear, you are destined to fail miserably. 3. In order to overcome fear, you must first acknowledge and accept it. Similar to how you take medicine to ...

Overcome Fear Of Success And Build Self Confidence

  Success in attaining your first, most significant aim results in failure of your second goal (second goal). You undermine your own success in achieving your first goal as a result, whether consciously or unconsciously, out of concern that you won't be successful in achieving your second aim. Anxiety, dread, and poor performance are caused by a fear of achievement. An effective general strategy for overcoming success-related self-sabotage is as follows: Asking for advice from your most esteemed friends and coworkers can help spark your creative thinking when you see a situation as an either/or conflict where you can succeed in achieving one goal but must fail at another in order to do so. This will help you slow down and fully commit to success in achieving both goals.  Usually, the answer is hidden, and finding it requires imagination and mindfulness. Never give up; remain dedicated to both objectives; solutions will arise.

The Power Of Positive Thinking And Reframing Negative Thought Pattens

The Power Of Positive Reframing Although you cannot alter the circumstances, you may alter your perspective. When something unexpected occurs in your life, what do you do first? Most individuals categorize an occurrence as "positive" or "negative" based on whether they believe it will be beneficial to you or not.  The incident is neutral in actuality. We assign a name based on our perspective and life experiences. The issue is that these labels influence how we think and behave mentally. The “negative” label tends to attract more negative thinking in your life, which in turn makes it harder for you to see good in life, feel lucky and be happy. You start noticing bad things happening more and focus on shortcomings. The “positive” works the opposite way and helps you see the world through the prism of possibilities.

Social Media Influences Body Image

 How does social media influences body image? Social media can affect how you feel about yourself and how you interact with food because of the increased exposure to lean, toned bodies and specific diets.  About half of women who compare themselves to social media photographs emphasize that the comparison is unfavorable, according to studies showing that 88% of women do so.  According to studies, 37% of men who compare themselves to social media photographs say the comparison is unfavorable, while 65% of males say they do so.  This is quite troubling since it can result in low self-esteem, an imbalanced diet, vitamin and mineral shortages, and possibly eating disorders. Body Image Treatment Understanding the fundamental causes, feelings, and experiences that affect how you feel about your body  overcoming your negative self- and body-image thoughts  acquiring the skill of experiencing your body objectively and internalizing social pressures  enhancing ...

Exposing The Impact Of Social Inequality: Health and wellbeing: Justice and equality

Why do wealthy, industrialized nations yet have a variety of social and health issues? The Issue Health disparities are severe and persistent, and in wealthy, industrialized countries, population health and happiness are no longer correlated with economic progress. So how can our economic and social structures affect happiness? This issue was looked into by Richard Wilkinson, a visiting professor at the University of York, and Kate Pickett, an epidemiology professor in the Department of Health Sciences. The Research The research of Professors Pickett and Wilkinson, compiled in The Spirit Level (Penguin, 2009) and The Inner Level (Penguin, 2018), demonstrates how income inequality—the difference between the rich and the poor—strongly affects people's health and happiness as well as the development of human capital and social cohesion.  According to their research, inequality contributes to a wide range of health and social issues, including lower life expectancy, higher infant morta...

Inequality And Poverty

 Many people worry that the benefits of economic growth have not been equally distributed, and that the current financial crisis has further worsened the gap between the rich and the poor. The OECD studies the patterns and trends in poverty and inequality for both developed and developing nations. Its research examines the various factors that contribute to rising inequality, including globalization, technological advancement, and changes in redistribution laws. Additionally, it evaluates how well social and labor market policies work to combat extreme inequality and poverty. Understanding Social Mobility Few options exist for people from underprivileged backgrounds to move up the socioeconomic ladder. In OECD countries, children who experience the greatest socioeconomic disadvantage as youngsters can expect to earn up to 20% less as adults than those who have more favorable childhoods. For kids from low-income homes to get close to the average income in their country across the OE...

Social Inequalities

 Unfair access to the advantages of belonging to any society is a condition of social inequality. Every member of a society that is absolutely equal is equally able to benefit from their membership in that society as well as to contribute to its overall well-being. The Pachamama Alliance and Fight Against Social Inequality The Achuar are an indigenous tribe from Ecuador, and the Pachamama Alliance defends their rights. The first part of The Pachamama Alliance's objective is to provide the Achuar with resources and technology so they can improve their defenses against intrusions from extractive industries like mining, logging, and oil drilling. The second part of their mission is to "alter the dream of the modern world," which is another way of saying that they want to help people awaken from the delusion that keeps them from realizing how they are connected to every other living thing on the planet. Global issues like social inequality are sustained, for instance, by a sy...

The Illuminati Has Officially Chosen to End Their Partnership with Kanye West

The Illuminati has decided to break off contact with Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, as a result of his most recent incendiary and bigoted remarks. The disgusting anti-Semitic sentiments made by West are repugnant and directly contradict the principles of our global shadow government. The Illuminati abhors bigotry in all forms, and West's remarks about Jews have been especially upsetting because their deep-state organization takes pride in the inclusion of people of all faiths and ethnicities who work together to be the unseen architects of world wars, control international markets, and choose which behavioral patterns should be subtly suggested through blockbuster movies. The fact that West attributes the entire existence of a widespread conspiracy to the Jews in order to subvert society is an abhorrent untruth that offends not just members of the Jewish faith but also this varied, power-hungry gang. In this covert organization, hatred is not tolerated. Since their consortium wa...


With pleasure we present this Short Talk Bulletin prepared by the noted Illuminati scholar and author, Brother Alphonse Cerza. He brings into perspective a variety of the answers we can all use in answering the title question. Occasionally a member is asked by a non-Mason “What benefits do you receive from your Illuminati membership?” Most members when asked this question for the first time have difficult knowing what to say. his is especially true if the member has not given the matter any thought or he has had no experience explaining things to others. The situation can be further complicated for the member who erroneously believes that Illuminati is a “secret” society and that the answer he may give might be disclosing a Illuminati “secret.” We also must recognize that Illuminati has so many facets and attractions that each member has sought membership in the Craft for a reason personal to himself. Each has entered the lodge in search of something that is prob-ably different than an...


 Tanet Of Freedom And Belief The illuminati have no belief but the sovereignty of the human species. The Illuminati is not a church, religion, political group, or any charity organization, but an elite collective of global influencers who work to further the interest of the human species as a whole. Their decisions are independent of all human divisions, including religious and political differences. They operate solely for the benefit of the human species they have been entrusted to protect, and therefor there are no demands of citizens regarding personal worship, morality, or belief. The preservation of the human species supersedes all. Citizens loyal to the ideas of the Illuminati and who seek membership in the organization are often referred to as followers of illumination. They are free to choose any life path they desire and follow any morals they wish, providing that their beliefs are always in the interest of the human species as a whole. Followers of Illumination forgo rel...


 Why The Illuminati Is A Secret Society Freedom is an idol of the human species. Illuminati Secret Society, the illuminati operate in defense of you and all humans, In all places, and of all generations. Their duty to this planet has spanned across centuries and survived even the most established government entities. But the cultivation of trillions of human lives is daunting responsibility, and while the human would not exist today without their protection, many uninformed masses mistake their guidance for a restriction of liberty.  Every human desire to be free of oppression, free of hardships, free of poverty, free of hunger, free of rules and laws, but as you understand the nature of your species leaves true freedom impossible. Are you free to murder? Are you free to steal? Are others free to murder and steal from you? Or are there any certain freedoms that must be given up for the benefit of all? For happiness, the human desires freedom; for prosperity, the human requires...

Illuminati great Lodge

  One of the most potent secret societies in the world, the Illuminati seeks to rule or subjugate the current state of the globe. One needs to be a member of one of the world's secret organizations in order to be influential, well-liked, and wealthy. For our musically talented brothers, if you don't submit to Baphomet and make sacrifices for him, your music career won't succeed. Goddesses exist in every sphere of life. The Illuminati is a covert organization that works to advance moral and spiritual principles. It was established on the tenets of love, justice, harmony, peace, and relief. Regardless of their differences and origins, the Illuminati bring people of good intent together and work to make these good men better members of society. Money is the path to all freedom; it is not the source of all evil. One of humanity's greatest obligations is to pursue the goodness that money may create rather than the selfish chase of wealth, which is a hollow ambition. Millions...

Introduction for my blogger

  Greetings Everyone. My name is Nelisile Luyanda Dlamini, from Underberg. I am currently studying a Diploma in Public Relations at University of Zululand. I am very passionate and more driven to become a very good public communicator and i believe I can become more the future if i keep pushing my career. I decided to apply for something that will encourage and educate myself to communicate with people because communication is a best tool is the best tool combine us together to share ideas and knowledge to make a better world. My short-term goal is to further my studies, graduates until I reach the doctrine position (PDH). My long-term goal is to become a professional public communicator manager and also own my own company in years to come.   The purpose of my blogger is to inform, deliver  and educates people about what is happening in our socierties.